Wednesday, January 7, 2009

1 Year & 28 Weeks

Wow, it's been a long time since I last posted. I guess with Christmas and everything, I just never thought about it. Over Christmas I ended up gaining 6 lbs but when I went in to weigh-in today, I had lost 5.4 lbs. Now I just need to stay focused so that I can get more of this weight off. I was going to add some pictures but it doesn't seem to be working right now so I'll add them later.

1 comment:

The Olson's: said...

I'm impressed that you only gained 6lbs over Christmas. I know for Jeremy the weight can come back very quickly & easily.

And CONGRATS on losing 5.4lbs for yesterday's weigh-in! You continue to be an inspiration to Jeremy and for that I am very grateful.

Keep up the great job!
~ Leanne