Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Week 33

Well, I did even worse this week. My counsellor had warned me that when you have a cold like this, your body holds onto absolutely everything you put in your mouth. So, I gained 4 lbs this week. This is the first time since I started that I actually gained anything and it really is hard to take but I know that once I get rid of this cold, I will start losing again.


The Olson's: said...

I'm so sorry to hear that! Shame on that cold! I hope your cold gets better soon and that next week's weigh-in is encouraging for you. Don't give up - you've been doing too amazing to give up now.

Ej said...

You are doing awesome Barb - those four pounds will come off again once you are healthy - focus on that!

Anonymous said...

WOW - you are doing/looking fantastic! Keep it up, remember we are not in a sprint we are in a marathon, lifstyle changes are just that life changes - so keep on living and looking forward to a long and healthy life!
I have just added a 3 day a week, 2hours a day strength and conditioning routine in addition to my walking, feeling great :)