Wednesday, August 26, 2009

2 Years & 9 Weeks

Well, this has been a difficult week. I haven't quite figured out why but I seem to be self-sabotaging myself lately. I have a really good intention at the beginning of the week but then life starts to happen and I end up making some really bad food choices. This week is one of the only weeks where I didn't really want to go to weigh-in but I knew that I had to. The only time I hadn't gone to weigh-in was when I was on vacation or the office was closed due to a stat holiday. So, I went in and I had actually lost .2 and spent about half an hour talking to my consultant trying to figure things out. Starting this week, I have to write everything down and bring in my food diary for my consultant to go over. So, hopefully that will spur me on to do what I need to do instead of just flowing along.

On another note, I have been continuing my training for the 5k run that I have registered for in September. I have been doing pretty good. I realized the other day that I had my pedometer set for walking, not running so I will find out on Friday how far I've actually been running. I have to admit, I am scared and excited at the same time. This is something I've never done before (especially all on my own) but I'm going to do it. Hopefully there will still be someone there at the finish line when I go across it, in other words, I don't care how long it takes, as long as I finish it.


Tillie Parmar said...

You'll do awesome at the run, Barb. I'll be there, and I bet you'll cross the finish line before me. :)

Barb said...

However, there is a difference between running a 5k and a 10k. I hope I finish within your time frame. LOL