Wednesday, October 29, 2008

1 Year & 18 Weeks

I am definitely on a very cruel roller coaster and I just want to get off. I've never liked them and I don't want to be on it anymore. Two weeks ago I gained 1 lb, last week I lost 3.5 lbs and today I gained 5. Sure, I was wearing jeans when I weighed in and I ate some salty food last night but I don't think I can say that is totally the whole problem. I know how to do this, I just need to get back to basics and do it.


ramblin'andie said...

Do I ever know what that's like!

Don't give up hope and don't let yourself get discouraged. But don't let yourself make excuses either.

Being at goal on your birthday is going to be SO worth the challenge of sticking to program.

I'll be praying for you this week.

The Olson's: said...

Ditto what Ramblin' Andie said: "Don't give up hope...but don't let yourself make excuses either."

You are doing such an awesome job - despite this week's set back.

Take a moment, refocus & put this week's frustration behind you.
~ Leanne