Wednesday, September 24, 2008

1 Year & 13 Weeks

Well, I have to say that I am not impressed with myself. I can probably count 7 times this last week where I made inappropriate choices with what I ate. Therefore, I gained 3.6 lbs this week. I really feel like crying right now but I know that's not going to help so I need to just step up and deal with it, do what I know I need to do.


Rachelle said...

Hi Barb
Just wanted to let you know that I'm so proud of you.Keep going. You admitted you made bad choices,now start the change for next week.Do not give up.Look back to where you came from and then forward to the prize.

Anonymous said...

I find it frustrating when I go through a week and have not applied the things I know will make a difference. I think back and recognize some of the times I contibuted more to the problem than the solution. The exciting fact is that I and you can specifically recognice what causes gain of weight and what exactly will take it away. A lot of people do not have the specific knowledge through true experience as you and I do. Keep recognizing what makes a difference and you will be further along for the distant future. You have a new week ahead of you and the knowlegde to see it turn this past week around, so apply it and look forward to next Wed.

The Olson's: said...

Don't beat yourself up too much! You are doing an amazing job, even if not all your food choices were the right ones this past week.

You continue to be an inspiration to me.
~ Leanne

ramblin'andie said...

Hi Barb,
I'm a couple weeks away from my one year anniversary with Sure Slim. I was a star pupil for the first 3 months then gradually fell off the wagon. I was sitting here feeling so I did a search for Chilliwack Sure Slim and I found you. Which is funny because we have a mutual friend in Christina. So, I thought I'd leave you a comment. I'll be praying for you to find your groove again. can do this!!